Christmas shopping for time

Only 13 more sleeps until Mr Claus squeezes into his red and white one piece and down the chimney. Although if he’s managed to find flying reindeer, I’m not sure why he can’t just fling a handful of fairy dust at the front door and enter the house that way.

4 thoughts on “Christmas shopping for time

  1. We’re all in need of time to practise falling off, I think… Thanks R. I have had a great weekend. I found my way back to the yoga mat today (after a week’s absence) and it was pleased to see me.

  2. Hope to see you, even if briefly, to hand over your present (which is actually a tangible thing!) so let’s talk then about having some time in the Wairarapa. I would love that. Whenever suits you and Ray. Much love, Tinkerbella.

  3. Hey, I’ve just wrapped you up some time in the wairarapa – we’ll have the kids there week on, week off, starting the week after Christmas. Ray and I and the river and the hills and the cathedral and ti kouka, totara, kanuka, titoki, kowhai, matai, and rata are holding out their arms to you, saying ‘Come’… Let us know when. Much love, Stefania. p.s. working back to timefull. Another week of timeless to go!!

  4. Hi Tink. One of the most enduring things my late grandmother said to me once was this: “The most precious thing you can give another person is time.” Very true. Perhaps it’s somewhat strange, then, that so many of us give so much of that precious asset to the workplace. We forget. Today, thankfully, was somewhat different, as we took the kids to a mountain bike skills area for kids in Mt Vic. They loved it … riding over bumps and seesaws and ramps. To see them smile and gain confidence and pick themselves up after practising to fall off, as I put it, was super. Hope you had a great weekend.

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